saturday, in the park
don't get me wrong... i'm not some goofball hacky-sack playing phish fan. you won't catch me among the hippy circle doing some abstract rhythmless dance to some shitty jam-band, nor can i be found tooling around in a microbus with loads of bumper stickers alluding to my sobriety. so, with that said, while i do smoke a handful of weed, the date of april 20 goes rather unnoticed by me. i couldn't give a shit. yeah, i smoke, but i don't need a holiday to show solidarity with a bunch of damp and stinky natural fiber high schoolers. fuck them. i'll smoke the weed out, but don't count me among the politically stoned. i'm hurt, angry and depressed, and i'll smoke when the mood strikes me, not on some imaginary holiday.
on the other hand, if a bunch of those self-absorbed, whitey weekend warriors wanna get together and skin up, i couldn't give two shits. there has got to be something more important to prosecute.
on the one hand, these kids were properly warned. on the other, you gotta respect the civil disobedience of a useless and outdated law. but no matter which hand you look at, this shit is unreasonable. this is boulder colorado... the same place where the jonbenet ramsey case goes unsolved, unprosecuted.
ack! strawman.
point is, the boulder police should have better things to do then send someone out to a college gamefield to photograph a bunch of kids for the purpose of later harassment. oh, and if that wasn't good enough, the local constablery will be happy to hand out $50 fucking dollars per person that they can confirm the identity of. fuckin' a. attention coloradans, you're municipal police squad just handed out $10,000 in reward bait plus time spent on surveillance plus any time spent on prosecution... you get the idea. and for what? who's hearts and minds did you win over? were any valuable lessons taught? y'all feel safer now?